In this now moment, I bring my awareness to the One Power and One Presence that is ever active, ever present in the Universe and in my life. I am aware this One Power and One Presence is the source and substance of all good, including the harmonizing power of love that makes possible the peace that passes all understanding. Today, I gratefully allow the word of truth to illuminate my awareness to the possibilities for peace in every circumstance. I know that with each breath I breathe, the experience of the peace that surpasses all understanding is possible for me, right here, right now. So, I dedicate myself this day to willingly express the unconditional love that inspires peace.

Without Neutrality, Peace Is Impossible

The harmonizing power of love and the experience of true peace are interdependent energies. Peace is not possible without the expression of unconditional love, which inspires the experience of peace. Only unconditional love is capable of the energetic neutrality required to create an experience of true peace. The primary qualities of this “energetic neutrality” are non-attachment and non-judgment. My attachments and judgments not only block my personal experience of peace, but they also serve to limit the collective experience of peace.

If peace is the goal, then the first response to anything that happens should be one of neutrality. The energy of neutrality keeps me open to the experience of peace. Neutrality insures that I will not project my own judgments and opinions on to the experience. Neutrality is essential to my peace. Without neutrality, peace is impossible.

Peace & The Collective Soul

There is only one place where I am ever able to experience peace, and that is in the realm of my own consciousness. There is no peace in the external world. Even if there were, I would still only be able to experience that peace within my own private consciousness. In reality, there is no “private consciousness,” for my every private thought and feeling resides within the realm of the universal consciousness.

My every thought and feeling not only determines the quality of my personal consciousness, it also contributes energetically to the quality of the universal consciousness. The quality of my consciousness depends on the thoughts and feelings that I allow to dominate in my consciousness.

If I am experiencing conflict, drama and needless suffering, it is because these are the thoughts and feelings I am allowing to dominate in my consciousness. It is the same in the collective experience where we are all individually contributing to the overall energetic quality of the universal soul.

Creating The Experience of Peace

If we wish to experience universal peace, the activity of our individual thoughts and feelings must be aligned with peace. While the possibility of peace is present in every circumstance, the experience of peace is not guaranteed. Peace is not happenstance. Peace is not accidental. Peace is not just lying around in the world waiting to be found. Peace is created from within, and then expressed into the world.

Today, I align my thoughts and feelings with the principles of peace. I remain aware that my personal peace is my exclusive responsibility. No one and no thing external to me can make me be at peace. By extension, I cannot make anyone else be at peace.

The best I can do is to create an experience of peace for myself within the realm of my own consciousness, and then express my peace to the world. Even though the world does not offer peace, I can offer my peace to the world. This is the awareness that I affirm today, and the awareness I will cultivate as I move through the experience of this day.

Source: Soul Diving